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Workaround? RTF exports lots of extraneous code (Read 6738 times)
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 3
Workaround? RTF exports lots of extraneous code
11/28/06 at 18:48:35
When I export the text of our magazine, we want to preserve the simplest of formatting (italic, bold, etc.), so we can't use plain text export.
But when I try to use rtf for placing into our CMS (Drupal), indesign exports all sorts of ugly codes that clog up the works and prevent copying and pasting or importing.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Kris Coppieters
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 181
New Zealand
Gender: male
Re: Workaround? RTF exports lots of extraneous cod
Reply #1 - 12/04/06 at 11:16:59
Hi Sam,

We are currently looking at creating an enhanced, commercial version of the TextExporter, which would also target other file formats, like HTML or XHTML, and possibly with a variable degree of formatting fidelity. Time permitting, we'll have some alpha or beta versions available in a few months time - keep an eye on our web site...
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 3
Re: Workaround? RTF exports lots of extraneous cod
Reply #2 - 12/04/06 at 14:19:39
It's good to know there might be a fix for this difficulty in a few months. A clean XHTML export capability might do the trick (my understanding is that Adobe broke Indesign's export to HTML and XHTML capability in order to try to lock people in to GoLive. So Micro$oftian. In the next version of Indesign, I hope Adobe fixes this directly - and now that they own Dreamweaver too, maybe it's in their interest?).
In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas about what we could do for the next few months?
In Peace,
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