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APID hit by InDesign CS4 bug - with workaround (Read 5657 times)
Kris Coppieters
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 181
New Zealand
Gender: male
APID hit by InDesign CS4 bug - with workaround
12/05/08 at 14:56:19
There is an InDesign CS4 bug that affects APID.

Anytime you try to use a script with APID, and the script has any string with a double colon embedded somewhere in the string, InDesign will crash. It's a confirmed bug in ID CS4 ExtendScript - e.g. even a simple do-nothing script like


will crash things. It does not happen if you run the script normally - it's a bug somewhere below in the 'RunScript' C++ entry point that's also used by APID.

The workaround is simple - if you have _any_ strings that have two consecutive colons in them, you need to split them up - for example:

alert("this is::a test");

must become

alert("this is:" + ":a test");

and then the problem goes away...
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