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I cannot export my document with TextExporter. (Read 31190 times)
Kris Coppieters
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 181
New Zealand
Gender: male
I cannot export my document with TextExporter.
07/31/10 at 09:58:40
Occasionally, InDesign documents can develop small internal inconsistencies - they don't seem to be harmful, but they cause problems for tools like our TextExporter.


The way to fix many of these issues is to first export the InDesign document to IDML (CS4 and CS5) or INX (CS, CS2 or CS3) format, and then re-import the IDML or INX file into InDesign.

Then try exporting this 'fresh' file - we found that in nearly all cases the problems have vanished, and the document exports fine.
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Re: I cannot export my document with TextExporter.
Reply #1 - 12/31/10 at 03:11:15

I have Indesign CS2, and have previously successfully exported files to rtf, using the demo of TextExporter.

Now I have just bought the license, but on my latest file, the whole program (Indesign CS2) crashes when it is around 3/4 on the way to completion of exporting. I have tried restarting the whole computer, restarting the Indesign program - and also tried your suggestion - i.e. exporting to INX file, opening in Indesign again, then exporting. It has all failed.

Just to narrow down where the problem is, I tried exporting again the last file I exported when I was using the demo - and it DID successfully work again. Thus it hints that there is something different about my latest file.

My latest file (the one I failed to export) is 48 pp. - longer than the other previous ones. I don't know if that could be the problem?

I look forward to your advice of any kind.
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Kris Coppieters
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 181
New Zealand
Gender: male
Re: I cannot export my document with TextExporter.
Reply #2 - 01/08/11 at 06:39:14

By the sounds of it, the file has something wrong with it that is not fixed by the .INX export-import roundtrip. It might be that only a certain object or element of the file is corrupted, so you could try opening a new file, and copy-pasting the relevant bits of the document into the new file, then trying to export the new file. With a little luck, the corruption is not carried along with the copy-pasted info.

If that does not work, you might need to try and manually export each individual story using the built-in RTF export, and hope you can work around the issue and/or identify the culprit.


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Kris Coppieters
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 181
New Zealand
Gender: male
Re: I cannot export my document with TextExporter.
Reply #3 - 05/12/11 at 15:14:08
Recently, we encountered a crashing document, which did not want to be salvaged by an INX or IDML save/reimport.
After much trial and error, we found that the crashes were caused by the presence of some XML tagging - removing all XML tags made the document export fine. With the tags present, it would crash, due to some bug in InDesign.
If you have a document that keeps on causing InDesign to crash on export, you might want to check for the presence of XML tags, and remove them before attempting the export. Don't do this on your original document - use a copy!
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