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color2gray book issue (Read 6755 times)
YaBB Newbies

I Love YaBB 2!

Posts: 2
color2gray book issue
03/14/07 at 12:35:20
I'm using the latest version of color2gray and indesignCS and if i have color2gray loaded and repaginate a book it causes indesign to crash out at the very end of the repagination. any ideas on how to stop this?
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Kris Coppieters
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 181
New Zealand
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Re: color2gray book issue
Reply #1 - 03/14/07 at 15:16:15

That sounds like a bug. What is the current version of your runtime? Are you using the Active Page Item Runtime 1.0.38? If not, can you try that?


If you are already using Active Page Item Runtime 1.0.38 - there is a (less efficient) workaround: remove the Active Page Item Runtime plugin from the plug-ins folder. That will disable the user-interface of Color2Gray, but you can still access Color2Gray in a different, slightly less user-friendly way.

Open the Script Label palette (which is under Window - Automation or Window - Scripting) and select a box with an image.

Then type the word 'gray' into the script label palette, and click your mouse in the pasteboard are to make the script label 'take'.

The picture should become grayscale. Reselecting the box and then removing the word 'gray' from the palette and clicking the pasteboard should revert the grayscale back to color.

Hope that helps!


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YaBB Newbies

I Love YaBB 2!

Posts: 2
Re: color2gray book issue
Reply #2 - 03/14/07 at 18:28:54
ahh. updating the runtime fixed the issue. i guess the runtime bundled with the latest color2gray is not the most current. thanks for the help!
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