Switched our web site to WordPress

We’ve switched most of our web pages over to a WordPress-driven setup; there’s still a few odds and ends to clean up, but we’re mostly there.

From now on, you should be able to use the RSS features of your browser and simply subscribe to our web pages or web page categories to get automatic updates.

Over the years, we’ve steered clear from any mass emailing or mailing lists – we think that the overall irritation factor of mass emails is higher than the overall information factor.

We don’t believe in supplier-driven information flows – we believe in customer-driven information flows: every customer should be in control of just how much information he or she wants from us.

We also believe e-mailed information is close to useless – either you’ll delete it, lose it, or you’ll be stuffing it into a massive e-mail archive together with a million other unrelated e-mails. In your archive the info is immune to any corrections or additions we might want to do – so it rapidly loses value over time. And you just hope that you’ll find it back when you need it. We simply don’t think that’s a good approach, even if everyone is doing it.

So, instead, we put our info on our web pages. You can use a search engine to find it, and we can keep it up-to-date. Much better!

We also don’t run any ads on our web site (except of our own, of course) – you’re not visiting the Rorohiko web site to see some random ads, are you?

Thanks to WordPress, we’ve gotten a bit closer to the ideal situation! So, if you want to stay up to speed on the cool stuff we do – please subscribe!

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